Soundproof Your Room!
Top Ways to Soundproof Your Room
Whether you are creating a recording studio and don’t want to disturb your neighbours or would simply like a quiet place to relax, soundproofing a room in your house is the perfect solution. You can drown out the noise of your teenager’s music so that it does not irritate the rest of your house and enjoy a quiet evening with the rest of your family. By understanding how noise works and using a combination of methods, you can easily enjoy quiet in a world that seems to be full of noise.
Understanding How Noise Works
In order to help eliminate sound, you must first understand how sound works. When an object, or person, makes noise sound waves radiate through the air until they reach our ear drums. This happens in the same way that waves of water roll through the ocean towards the coast. Waves may start out big (as can a loud noise), but the further they travel the smaller they get, resulting in ripples of water that are barely there when they reach the coast. Similar to ocean waves, sound waves only have so much energy. The further they travel, the quieter the noise gets.
In order to stop sound waves before they reach a person’s ear drums, you must put up something to block them from going any further. Hard surfaces, such as walls, bounce sound around a room, creating more noise and echoes. Soft surfaces, like acoustic insulation, absorb the sound waves, stopping them from going any further and preventing them from creating more noise.
For example, think of a bouncy ball. Imagine that you are in a room with a wooden floor and solid walls. When you throw the bouncy ball against a hard surface, it intensifies the next bounce so that the ball keeps going and going. If you were to throw a bouncy ball in a room with a soft, padded surface the ball would quickly lose energy as the bounces were absorbed by the soft padding. This is exactly how sound waves work.
Acoustic Insulation
Now that you understand how sound waves work, you understand the importance of something soft to absorb the noise. Many walls on the interior of structures are poorly insulated, at best. When you take them apart and fill in any gaps with acoustic insulation, less noise will travel from one room to another. Older insulation should be replaced with new efficient insulation to lessen the noise that gets through.
Soundproofing Pipes
Noise can travel through pipes. This is why you can hear conversations through the whole house from the pipes in the basement. Depending on what the pipe is used for, it is perfectly safe to put Muftilag insulation around the pipe to help absorb the sound waves as they travel through the pipes. Contact us today if you are unsure about whether or not insulating the outsides of pipes is going to be beneficial or would like advice on the appropriate type of insulation to use.
Almost every room has a door, and sound waves can penetrate through the door to the other side. While a solid wooden door may help to prevent some of that noise from going through to the other side, this is usually not enough. Insulation on one or both sides of the door may help, but is rarely practical. Sealing the gaps between the door and it's frame with weather stripping or insulation strips can also help to reduce the level of noise. If all else fails, it may be time to purchase an acoustically insulated door.
Modern homes are full of large open space, guaranteeing that the entire family feels connected and can stay in touch. The open space concept is great for families, but it can result in individuals being surrounded by constant noise. Creating a space that is virtually soundproof can give you a much needed break from all of the noise. Browse through our insulation products or contact us today to see how we can help you create the peaceful home environment that you would like.